The Best Online Business Ideas 2023 For Beginners – Don Crowther

one of the best online business ideas for 2023 well I'm going to show you them basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to focus here on business models as opposed to specific niches and things like that because I think the business model is far more important than what Niche you're going after for this particular discussion so I've been doing this for years since Al Gore invented the internet and so I've got a lot of experience playing in a whole bunch of different business models I'm going to base the recommendations I make to you on several key criteria the first is hey this business has to make money ideally it makes money for you quite quickly there are a number of business models that you can do that'll make you Millions five years from now or two years from now but most of us need money a lot faster and so I'm basing a lot of this on speed to have profits come into your pocket isn't that what you want anyway next it has to be something that is stable and defensible in other words I want something that can't just go away because the place where you're hosting it decides to no longer give you that business or something that's easily to be not easy to be knocked off by other people I like businesses that I can rely upon still being there three five ten years down the road not just doing a quarter of a million dollars today nothing tomorrow and that happens all the time in some of the the worst businesses I'm going to show you it has to be simple not something that requires a advanced degrees not something that requires lots of effort not something that requires lots of technical capabilities to be able to do this so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to give you worst to best my ranking of a number of key business ideas for 2023 and so what I'm starting with is the ones that I do not recommend okay so these are the worst ones The Worst by far in my personal opinion other than things like spamming operations and things like that things that are unethical and illegal those kinds of things is Drop Shipping so what is Drop Shipping it's when you buy something from somebody you sell something and then you order it from someone to be shipped to that person that you sold it to okay if you don't understand this Market don't bother because it's something I strongly recommend you not do basically what you're doing here is you're relying upon suppliers who oftentimes are unreliable many of them are in China and so when you order it it's going to take 30 days if that for it to arrive on the front door of the person that you sold it to you don't want to be in that business all you do is get complaints and there's no differentiation in this business because there's a hundred other people who are doing the exact same thing with the exact same products and so the only way that you can compete is through price competition that's not the kind of business I want to be in and there's a huge knockoff risk you can go out and do the very very best job in the world to create an amazing Dropship business and you could be knocked off tomorrow in fact you will be knocked off as soon as you get big enough the people start recognizing that you're making success in this all right second one second least favorite business is Amazon FBA so Amazon FBA and by the way this is unless it's your own unique product which also has its challenges but if you're just doing this business if you go down to Walmart and you buy the things that are on clearance and then you put them up on Amazon or your you've gone and you're buying wholesale from somebody and then putting it up on Amazon for them to sell it's it's like this is not a good business long term it's put you in basically you're constantly in price competition somebody else is always more desperate than you Amazon as soon as you get real successful Amazon's gonna knock you off what kind of business do you want to be in where your leading supplier of traffic makes it part of their business model to knock you off and replace your incredibly profitable business with one that with their business instead what kind of business partner is that third thing it's incredibly labor intensive most people think it's not but you've got to bring every single product in relabel it with your label and send it out and there's all kinds of tracking and monitoring and everything that's associated with it so and and the two the commonality between Drop Shipping and Amazon FBA is that both of them most of the time you're selling commodities so either it's a commodity that they can buy this same clicker to make their cell phone take a picture from 42 different vendors or you are a commodity because it's the same product and you're one of those 42 different vendors anytime that you're in a business selling commodities you are at risk it's a tough business to be in because other people will come in and knock you off as my rule is there's always somebody more desperate than you who's willing to charge less than you do now this business is selling commodities is even worse when you are the commodity too so Amazon FBA you become the commodity they've got 42 different vendors who are selling this exact same clicker you are a commodity and they can easily shift it from you to somebody else with no nothing you did wrong they just somehow algorithm decides to send it to somebody else okay third one I do not recommend is is the Amazon links business so this is where you go out and you set up a site on credit cards and you go and you find the top five Amazon credit card the top five affiliate credit card pro programs to pay you the highest commissions and you write a bunch of content about it hoping to get those to get to the top of the search engine so the people come click on your link and then you make money from that credit card or whatever it is okay so why because number one you can get cut out one of the biggest challenges of that part of the affiliate business is that they they sit there and they say wow this person we've sent a million and a half dollars to this person why don't we just knock off what he's doing and they oftentimes do and they don't consider this to be an unethical business practice it's just doing business in this world I strongly don't want to be in a business where the supplier Cuts you out next it tends to earn you a lot of attention from the search engines and that's not in a good way so you start competing heavily in something that's a heavy affiliate Market you're going to start getting attention and it probably will hurt you and you're also a commodity the only thing you have is traffic to your site and if someone else can get you get more traffic than you you just go away all right I can't remember where we are I think I'm on the fourth least favorite and that is writing a book I know I go exactly against everybody who says write a book you'll make you rich and famous write a book it'll be a great business card write a book and all those things the key is for this very few people make money from writing a book there's a huge amount of time that you spend writing that book you could have done so many other things and your main partner your publisher the one that should be your partner partner usually doesn't act like one they expect you to do the marketing for your book it's like wait a minute that's your job now I will say this there is one exception I have someone who specializes in turning your book into a business you gotta have not written that book yet well you've got to not have had that book published yet but if you're interested in this let me know in the comments and I'll share that person with you and they don't take most of the people who apply okay so that in other words I don't like the book writing business I grew up in publishing I still don't like the book writing business with one exception that is if you fit the very tight set of criteria that this person does and they help you to build a business then you can actually turn your business into quarter million dollars a year your book into quarter million dollar a year a business that comes from that book okay so those were the businesses I don't like if there's any business on that list that you want to go after you're probably being sold by somebody who wants to wants to charge you two thousand dollars to learn how to do it and you're very likely going to fail because most people people don't succeed long term in those businesses now I know the Amazon FBA people are screaming at me right now no I've made all this money well yes you have but your business could go away tomorrow and you and you spend an awful lot of time and effort to get there because not for long will you continue to have the success that you had so far so now let's turn to the positive side the businesses that are my favorites that actually work so I'm going to start with my all-time very best mostest favoritest business and that is the information products business so this is doing things like creating and selling courses membership sites high-end programs basically what you're doing is you're taking information that you either know or can learn and Cat and and package it in a way that helps other people to get that information to transform their life in one way or another why do I like it number one huge profits profit margins if you get once you've built that course if you sell it to one person you sell it to 100 people you're priced to sell it to 100 people doesn't increase a lot more over selling it to one unless you're particularly advertising for that next it's a lot less work over the long term because you want to create it once and develop this the funnel for it then you can just let it operate now you're constantly tweaking and improving that but it's a lot less work long term and the cumulative effects of your marketing continue to accumulate so you write content to support this course that you've done that content always lives there and when you write more con it's on top of the old content your list that you build to Market it it keeps growing there's all kinds of cumulative effects that come now it is tough to get started but get but once you've got it it's an amazing business so what are the keys to success in this information product world number one you got to choose the right products for the right Niche number two you gotta do you've got to get good at marketing you can't do this without getting good at marketing and number three you've got to focus on truly serving the people that you are working with Because unless unless you're truly serving they can tell and they will flock away from you if you're truly serving they can tell they will try they will flock towards you number two some kind of online service business where you're doing you're selling a service that people really need now I'm not talking about house cleaning though you can do that I'm talking about online things like hey you'll manage their social media account for them you'll produce content for them maybe you will close sales for them in their business so the keys in this are number one efficiency you got to get good at doing this stuff quickly and efficiently without losing any quality next you got to get good at selling and you've got to consistently deliver amazing products that people want to stay with you with so if you can find something that people really want to really want to have done for them really hate to do and are willing to pay you to do it and can give them a fair price not necessarily a cheap price a fair price to do that and so they say yeah I'm willing to have somebody do that for me at this price because i'm unwilling to do that myself and then you continue to deliver consistency consistently in that you've got yourself a long-term business an extension of that is this third piece which is an agency business so going from doing that for 10 people to doing that for a whole bunch of people and expanding that basically what you're doing is you're scaling a service business so this can be an ad agency a Content or an SEO creation business maybe you're managing people's social media or maybe what you're doing is you're taking a video that they create once and you're carving it up into other things and repurposing it and different things a traffic leads business is all any of these are great agency kinds of businesses now as soon as you get in the agency business your clientele is probably going to get bigger which means you're competing against other people who are professional agencies so you've got to really get good at hiring the right people at delivering amazing services for people at selling and at retention of those clients these are the keys to doing that agency business well and I another key thing that you need to realize in this is when you do this you become a manager so most people who start a content agency because they love writing find very quickly that they're no longer riding they're managing a staff of riders if you don't like to manage people you may want to stay out of the SEO out of the agency business unless you want to put one person in there who also manages people then you can do your favorite thing all right number four is also an extension of the service business it's SAS SAS stands for software as a service so if you currently are working with somebody an email company where where you have autoresponders and broadcast that's a SAS if you are paying somebody for uh analytics on your website that's a SAS most sases though are are a little bit more Technical and I don't want to get into a long explanation of this if you understand SAS you know what I'm talking about if you don't you may want to go research it the challenge is you either have to be a programmer or you have to work with programmers to make this work because you're actually prob you're selling software someone's got to program that stuff so that's software as a service now the key is here is number one you got to fulfill a real need in the market you've got to get good at selling and you've got to retain them which is oftentimes done by fulfilling the first one fulfilling a real need really really well then people stay with you long term right Fifth and these aren't any priority order these are or Pro businesses that I really like fifth business I really like content sites so this is you're creating amazing content and then you're monetizing that traffic through ads through affiliate offers through courses that you sell through all kinds of things I believe this is a wonderful add-on for almost any business but creating that amazing content is is really key in this and so the keys number one don't skimp on content so a lot of people who Who start in this go off and hire a bunch of junk riders for very little and low low amount who write a bunch of junk content which doesn't get ranked in the search engine so they're not getting any traffic so very quickly they end up failing so that's a key you gotta you've gotta create great content to succeed in this number two is SEO skills you need to get good at figuring out the ins and outs of search engine optimization it's because the search engines are going to be the major source of your traffic you got to get good at playing the game so that you're giving them what they want so they give you what you want traffic and then the third one is monetization skills you can never sit tight on your monetization there's always something you can you can and should be doing differently to improve it now a side journey of this content process is to develop a YouTube channel now the challenge with YouTube well the opportunity is it can be quite lucrative if you're good so if you've got really good high ranking viral videos you just sit there and earn from them oh month after month after month but most of the people don't get any good at that and so they never go go there and you're also always at the mercy of YouTube they can change their algorithm and you can literally be here today and nothing tomorrow it happens all the time in that world then number six businesses I really like is the coaching and Consulting business basically we hear what you're doing is you're helping people get to where they want to go from wherever they are now the challenge of this is It's Time bound you've only got a certain number of hours in the day and so you can only take a certain number of clients and so one thing that's really important here is that you can't be an inexpensive supplier of this you cannot go in and compete on price in the coaching business if you want to succeed in this because very quickly what you do is you attract all those people who don't want to pay a lot for coaches and pretty soon you literally have a nine to five job or a nine to nine job just doing that coaching getting paid very little and you have don't really have a business you just bought yourself a job the keys here deliver results get good at selling and hey you may want to price at a premium level why because you're delivering results if you're really changing your their lives they're willing to pay a higher amount for you so those are my six favorite online businesses I like them a lot now each one of them could easily bring in a hundred thousand plus now if you're after a multi-million dollar business some of these business models may not be the right business models for you this is designed for people who want to make a hundred a hundred thousand to a million dollars in a year any one of the six I showed you could easily bring in a hundred thousand plus in the next year if you do it right now I want you to notice this was high level I didn't tell you go after this Niche do this specific product what I gave you was specifically high-end business models and now there are many sub business models that you can pursue on these things so if you're in the content business you could go there's 15 different versions of content businesses and there are many different niches that are underneath each one of these you could take this high-end business model and apply it to this Niche or that Niche or another Niche and so it all of those apply I suggest you avoid that first group the first group of whatever it was five different businesses that I said these are not a good idea and I gave you the reasons why and go for that second group where I said these are the six businesses I like and here's why I strongly suggest you go after that but the key thing I want to point out here is this I did not tell you to go buy trainings in any one of these because action is the key it's not paying someone to coach you it's not paying somebody to help you do that business it's taking action now I'm not going to say that paying somebody to train you how to do that won't cut months sometimes even years out of the process but I didn't tell you to go buy a bunch of products okay just just be careful with that and then what you do is you take action you put something in the market and then you improve as you progress so it's that improvement process that works now here's the thing that's going to happen you will have frustrations as you do any of these business models and you're probably going to fail a couple of times in this process but it could be a little blunt with you that's your execution the business that I do any of those six businesses the business is sound it's how you execute it that may be less than sound so my question for you is this what's your favorite business model why don't you put that in the chat I'd love to see what it is no links don't promote anything just tell me what your favorite business model is and I'll give you my thoughts on that okay let me know your thoughts this been valuable to you this is Don Crowther saying just go do this stuff [Music] thank you foreign [Music]

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